____There are some moments in your life where your entire world changes forever. This post is but mere a recollection one of those moments.
____We all stood around it. An odd, box shaped mass, of unknown pleasure. All three of us, Nathan, Derrick, and I, could not help but stare at the uncovered treasure we had unearthed from the boxes and boxes of assorted canned foods and Christmas decorations. I don't know who said
____I think deep down we all knew, but we could scarcely believe it. Such technology was extinct; Prehistoric, and worthless. We didn't know if we had any reason to be excited, or if we should just shrug our shoulders and walk away. In the end, we did what any young peoples with nothing to do on a Saturday night would do. We connected some wires, assembled a few parts, removed the gun from its protective covering, aimed it straight at the tv, and pulled the trigger. The gun went off with a loud bang! But the stupid duck still got away.
____Now let me tell you exactly what we found. You see, it was truly one of God's greatest creations. There are only two things in the entire world that can hold a teenage boy's attention for this long, and no, it wasn't a girl. It was a Nintendo gaming system. (Insert angelic choir here). But it was not just any Nintendo, oh no no no no no. It was (drum roll) a Nintendo NES! Do you remember those? And boy, was there a reason to be excited! It came with possibly the best games ever made! Tetris, Mario, and Duck Hunt! Yes, that is why we shot the tv.
_____Needless to say, our weekend was henceforth filled with nostalgic bliss as we competed with each other to see who could shoot the most ducks, survive the longest in Tetris, and who remembered how to pass the most levels of Mario. I loved how it had the old ending on Mario where you had to jump on top of the flag pole to finish the level. It took us all weekend to break 500 points before I remembered that the B button gave you that running leap to pixilated victory. Now not hitting 1,000 is a joke. You can expect all manner of mockery and criticism and cat calls of "Ha ha, you jumped too soon!" if you don’t manage to make it to the top. If you have no idea what I'm saying, you're probably too young to even know what I'm talking about. Or maybe you're too old to even care.
____All in all, I have a feeling college will be a lot more interesting after our brand new discovery. Diplomas would mean nothing if we could just get past the second world on Mario. We could also use a little practice on Duck Hunt. Those buggers always seem to find a way to evade my pixilated fury. Oh, and here's a little piece of advice. No matter how much he ticks you off, you can't shoot the dog. Once again, if you don't know what I mean, you need to take a trip down memory lane. A trip to a simpler time, when pixels the size of your fist were actually impressive.